A14 Great Ouse Challenge TT, 12 Oct 2019

A very damp and miserable Saturday 12 October saw me attempting my third ever time trial with the unique opportunity on the new section of A14 over the new Great Ouse viaduct.

Having only attempted two time trials previously I still feel very new to it and was a little nervous. I don’t have a TT bike and was on my normal road bike so had resolved in my mind I would be very happy with around 26 minutes for the ten mile course.

The start was slightly delayed, but seemed to come round quickly and the nerves really kicked in with me realising that not only did I need to contend with, what I find at the moment at least, the slightly unsettling TT start of being held by the starter I also had to contend with a ramp which I never have before, and a damp one at that. I did bottle it I’m afraid to say and I opted to ride off the ramp without being held, I figured it would only cost me a handful of seconds and I was in it for the experience not competition. The minute passed quickly and I was off, typically not finding my cleat (I now understand even more the benefit of being held by the starter!) slowed my departure a little more than I’d have liked.

The course was not what I expected, certainly smooth due to the fresh tarmac, but it was rolling and very exposed, the five miles out was good holding my heart rate in the zone and going well, then came the turn and I felt like I’d blown up, it took me the next mile to work out that not only was it head wind also a slight up hill killing 10mph off my speed for more effort.

I settled back in and with the end in sight gave it my all up the final, again slight uphill gradient, over the line, the last push left me spent and feeling nauseous, meaning I forgot to stop my garmin so had no idea how long it had taken me (or to be more positive how quickly I had completed it!). The official results show it was 26 minutes and 35 seconds so I’m happy with that.

Thoroughly enjoyed it though and it will all add to the experience bank ready for some more attempts at the St Ives TTs next year!

Lee Carey

Tim PhillipsTT