WTRL Team Time Trial, 25 June, 2 July, 9 July 2020
Race 1:
Our first attempt at the WTRL Team Time Trial on Zwift was certainly interesting and a big learning experience! For me personally this was my first ever team time trial, virtual or not. I was very excited and enjoyed some pre-race nerves again! 6 of us were signed up and ready to race, 4 needed to cross the finish line. The first hurdle we had to overcome was trying to remain warm whilst waiting the 12mins to start. Pedalling forwards would lead to a false start, pedalling backwards seemed to be ok. We then sadly lost Jade at the very start- she was unable to cross the start line at our allocated start time, probably due to a sensor failure. With 5 of us remaining we grouped up and settled into a good rhythm for the first 10mins or so, then more trouble came- Maddie realised her bike wasn’t properly secured into her turbo and Hels was having a tough day! There was real team spirit as we adapted to the challenges we had and settled into a pace everyone could manage. We needed 4 across the line so there was no advantage to riding as fast as you could as an individual- a team effort would get us there faster! Some great encouragement on our voice chat got everyone across the line in one piece (just about).
Finish time- 46:53 , 28.95km. 349/484 (overall) 82/132 Latte (our group) 23/66 (if Tim was a woman!)
The team on Zwift
Race 2:
We had 8 team members lined up for our second crack at the WTRL TTT. This race again had a few issues but was considerably better than our first attempt! Unfortunately Maria didn’t make the start pen so we were down to 7 from the beginning. The rest of us set off well, however we soon realised Lara was on a TT bike- slight disaster as TT bikes don’t get a draft on Zwift! She worked really hard to stay with us but without the benefit of the draft it was a challenge. Although she dropped off the group, she powered through to the finish line not too far behind! With 6 of us remaining we worked really well together and were in a great rhythm. We had a few clashes with some other groups and stray solo riders...especially one other group that slowed down after they overtook us so we caught them again! Tim had been feeling under the weather but had managed to stay with the group until a few km to go, when we decided that 4 of us who were still feeling strong started to push the pace. Unfortunately due to a miscommunication this actually turned out only to be 3, and so Tim had to push hard again to catch us having sat up! We crossed the line having achieved several power PBs amongst us (including myself!) and some seriously solid efforts all round.
Finish time- 57:59 , 37.46km. 335/510 (overall) 59/138 (Latte) 20/68 if in women’s league.
Megan in reality
Race 3:
This week there were only 4 of us available to take on the longest TTT course yet on quite a hilly course. However, given the undulating terrain, having less of us proved easier to keep together! We were strong throughout and smashed out some solid watts on the flat sections and worked well as a team when it became undulating. This was a long effort but we all did really well to stay focused throughout. We held our position throughout the race and finished strong. So strong that it turned out we were promoted to the Frappe league as too many of us were now ‘B’ cat- well done team!!!!
Finish time- 1:06:58, 42.8km. 309/485 (overall) 46/127 (Latte) 160/171 (Frappe) 22/64 (women)
Megan Powell