Banbury Star CC TT, 29 July 2020

On Wednesday I tried a new TT course with a different club. This particular course was renowned for being 'cursed' and often involved someone crashing on corners or getting lost. I deliberately checked out the course beforehand and had the route on my Garmin just to be sure. 

The course was deceptively lumpy. Despite no significant hills, it was constantly rolling and seemed to be more up than down! I was struggling on every up, but managed to get my energy back on the downs. Some of the corners were tricky - I knew I would be taking them carefully to avoid crashing. This is definitely something I can improve on with more practice. 

In the end I was fairly close to my target time so I was happy. I'm not sure I liked the course but I'd be keen to try it again (especially as I now know where the finish line is!) to see how much I can improve.

Looking forward to a double TT week next week, with my first open CTT event at the weekend!

Frances Lamm

Tim PhillipsTT