RLSCC/Rugby Velo Club TT, 4 Aug 2020

On Tuesday 4th August my club held TT on the K11/10B course again, but this time with a lovely crosswind!

I was the first person to set off. Normally I love the downhill section at the beginning of this course, but every gap in the hedge allowed a gust of wind to catch my wheels and push me sideways. It was a little terrifying but I knew that I would be fine so long as I was moving forwards and kept an eye out for any more gaps in the hedge. By the end of the TT I was more comfortable with the wind. Although I was slightly slower overall, I was happy with my time, with only 10 seconds lost to the previous attempt - which is still faster than I was a year ago thanks to my training!

I'm still trying to dial in my aero position. I angled my aerobars up slightly to mimic the curved bars that Tim recommended. Unfortunately I didn't get any photos from this week so I can't directly compare. Hopefully I can see the difference on my open TT on Saturday.

Frances Lamm

Tim PhillipsTT