BUCS Duathlon, 14 Nov 2021

BUCS Duathlon…my first duathlon in over 5 years…Completed it! 

Duathlon has never really been my thing, but I couldn’t resist toeing the line for my final BUCS duathlon. My luck at BUCS Duathlons up to now hasn’t been the best with 2 DNFs (due to mechanicals), and 2 DNS when at Loughborough. But finally, I got to the finish line this time, and for Hertfordshire Uni.

Somehow having squeezed my way into the faster wave my start wasn’t until 2pm, so thankfully it wasn’t too cold, and I didn’t have to get up at a stupidly early hour. I had huge imposter syndrome on the start line and went off way too fast (3.45 for the first km…who do I think I am?!). The following 3 laps I slowed up and battled some stomach cramps but was very happy to make it onto the bike.

The bike was 6 technical laps that also had some long straights where you could put the power down. I really enjoyed the bike section but did also discover I have a phobia of dead turns, something very new since my hip fracture a few years ago. This is something I will have to work on going back into draft legal racing.

Onto the final run and I just took it steady, feeling good I made it across the line in an okay time. The support I had around the course was amazing, with my friends / my family / friends’ parents in most corners cheering me along. It was lovely to catch up with so many people who I haven’t seen in so long, most being surprised I was racing again knowing everything that’s happened.  

Overall, I am happy to have just turned up and done okay. It wasn’t an amazing result but considering everything that’s happened since I last did a duathlon, and the amount I’m trying to balance in my life currently, I’m glad to be back. Huge well done to everyone else who raced including my speedy little sister and the other Catenary girls.

Time for me to focus on the medical degree for a bit before restarting training for 2022.

Frankie Durbin

Tim PhillipsDuathlon