Warwickshire Group Ride, 3 Apr 2021

With lockdown restrictions finally beginning to ease and group rides allowed again, the first Catenary Coaching group ride of the year took place on Saturday 3rd April. Eleven riders (Ollie, Frances, Hels, Mia, Amelia, Tim, Edward, Amie, Laura, Melissa and myself) headed for a steady (read punchy) 100km ride from Leamington Spa, round past Stratford and back through Warwick to Leamington to finish off a lovely loop (thanks to Frances for the route!).


With the team split into two groups, with lots of traffic light stops and a photo shoot stop for group 1, group 2 didn’t really lose sight of them before the cafe stop and with a big push (thanks to Amie!) group 2 managed to overtake shortly before the break at Espresso Barn (not that we were being competitive!). Lovely snacks and hot drinks available, we quickly finished our provisions so that we didn’t have to stay out in the cold too long (I can’t wait until we can sit in cafes again, although by that time it will be summer and sitting outside will be lovely!).

After the cafe stop it was onwards and upwards with 4 out of the 5 hills still to go. But with some lovely rolling countryside and glorious views (Melissa and I doing some house hunting on the way) we carried on at the pace, with me just slowing people down a little bit as my legs began to suffer on the last few hills! Finishing the last hill with just a few kilometres to go we cruised back into Leamington ready for some wonderful team cupcakes courtesy of Mia!

With great chat on route and a fab opportunity to meet some of the team, I loved my first Team Catenary ride and can’t wait for many many more!

Lottie Lindsley
