Eton Dorney Sprint Triathlon, 8 May 2021

It turned out to be a very wet season starter triathlon at Eton Dorney on Saturday. At least it was a lie in compared to most triathlons with a 10am start!

It was my first triathlon since pre-COVID and it was fantastically well run with a drip feeding start for the swim. The venue was lovely (even with the wet weather) and I would recommend it to anyone entering a race there.

The swim was 400m and went well - it’s hard to judge due to the lack of recent training and I always tend to compare to my peak swim fitness times.

The bike leg was VERY windy! With cross winds on both the long straights, feeling like I was going to take off like a kite at times, it was a more cautious ride than I would have liked. But I just kept pushing as much as I could and ticking off people as I overtook them.

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Onto the run: I ended up running the first half with a man and staying with him really encouraged me to push the pace and control my breathing. The run was a major highlight to my race, ticking off my first goal of the season - a sub-20 5km in a triathlon.

I was 2nd lady and 17th overall. It was a great season starter and now to push harder to get faster as the season continues.

Amie Buttle