ECCA 50 mile TT & KCC Broughton 10 mile TT, 22 & 23 May 2021

ECCA 50 mile TT

I wasn’t really looking forward to this event prior to the start, having not done a 50mile TT since the summer of 2019. I had a great start with hail, rain and freezing conditions during my warm up, which fortunately did improve when the race started. I felt good for the first 25 miles, but got slower in the second half due to the increasing horrible windy conditions on the outward stretch of the very open course, which got harder each of the 4 laps, making me want to give up each lap. However considering the conditions I still managed a PB by 30sec getting a time of 2:14:30. Hopefully I’ll have better luck with the weather next time.

KCC Broughton 10 mile TT

Only 15 hours later I had a great idea to do another TT, I wasn’t feeling great, with hurting shoulders and back from a long day prior. It was another hard day with the wind, with a horrible headwind on the way out and even though it was a tail wind on the return it didn’t feel like it. With my tired legs I managed a time of 26:45, a minute slower then my course PB. In the space of 8 days I’ve managed to get all new distance PBs for 10, 25 and 50miles!

Maria Gent
