Oxfordshire Triathlon, 6 Jun 2021

Beforehand I was very nervous but excited about this race, my first in over 2 years!

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Due to covid restrictions, the swim was not a mass start so it started as a staggered swim, with swimmers going off in intervals of every 10 seconds. I was towards the back of the swim, however, I believe that this worked to my advantage as I was able to pick away at swimmers meaning I could hold a strong but comfortable pace, knowing that I had conserved energy for the bike and run.

I had a reasonable transition but found that there was areas I need to improve on for the next race that would make my T1 quicker, mainly having my shoes already attached to my bike. Knowing the roads and having done a lot of threshold and VO2 max session beforehand thanks to Tim, I knew that it was going to be a quick course and that my fitness on the bike had improved massively and it definitely showed! I was able to maintain a fast pace throughout the bike leg down on my TT bars, thanks also to Tim for my recent bike fit and aerobar setup!

Once finishing the race and finding out I have the quickest T2 out of the male and female field, I was shocked but pleased I hadn't lost the speed in transition. The run was a 7.5k leg over not the best terrain, with uneven surfaces so hard to hold a fast pace throughout, but I had a strong run off the bike and was pleased with that I still found the energy to sprint up hill at the end!

Overall I finished 3rd female and 13th overall. Couldn't have asked for better support on my first race of the season back and now excited what the reason of the season will be like.

Naomi Dibb

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Tim PhillipsTriathlon