Lotus Race Series, 15 Jun 2021

This was my first crit race for nearly 3 years - being terrified was an understatement, especially having to ride with the guys (no separate women’s race). The journey didn't start well as I had a little accident in my car, then forgot my race licence! I warmed up OK then lined up for the race. I stayed at the back of the pack, and my intention was see how it goes, sit at the back and hang on to a wheel no matter what. A few times I was in the middle of the pack but didn't enjoy it. Men are not as good as the women at being vocal or even holding their line. They're all over the place.

I have to say I did love it and would need to practice my stamina. The pace was getting quicker on the last 4 laps which made it harder to hold on. I gave up on the last lap until Kerry said what are you doing..? I replied I'm done now enjoying the scenery! Then she made me finish the last lap. I wasn't last or even that bad at it.

Sophie Lee

Tim PhillipsCrit