WMD (Weymouth Middle Distance) Classic Triathlon, 27 Jun 2021

I wanted to race a standard distance this year and this was the perfect opportunity to race at home on routes I was very familiar with. This was my second standard distance triathlon.

Classic British weather hit on the weekend meaning we were in for a choppy swim and a windy ride.


It was a rolling start, and I entered the water 3rd. The waves made it difficult to sight and very bumpy, however I am used to the swimming in a choppy Weymouth Bay so wasn’t too fussed. I was fastest out of the water, which I think made a lot of peoples’ days, with comments throughout the race saying “that was the lady who beat the men in the swim!”!

T1 was long and we were able to grab a spare pair of trainers by the beach to run the 400/500m to transition.

The bike was tough, windy and started with an uphill, but I kept pushing. I had a few men and one lady pass me on the bike. I did manage to catch and re-overtake the lady on the run, meaning I finished 1st lady and 6th overall.

I need some more practice in the standard distance as I definitely find the 10k off the bike harder than running the half marathon in a 70.3!

Bring on the next race of the season!

Amie Buttle

Tim PhillipsTriathlon