Locko Park Triathlon, 25 Jul 2021


It’s been over 3 years since my last triathlon so I went into this one with no expectations – it was a big deal for me just to be back on a start line again. Therefore, it was a great surprise to come away with my first ever overall female win!

The event was a fairly local sprint triathlon and my family had come along to watch too. It was a 6am start to head to registration and then I had to remember what I needed for transition, so it was a good job I had plenty of time. After watching the first 3 waves go off, I was in the 4th one (this was strange as its usually the faster athletes off first for open water events from what I remember). My partner Angus and I were in the same wave and were on the start line together and from that point I just tried to keep with him all the way around the two-lap course as we snaked around swimmers from previous waves. He came out of the water a few seconds ahead - 12.00 minutes to the timing mat out the swim (800m) – still early days trying to get swim fitness back after the long covid break so happy enough with that!


The bike then went well – the course was rolling and I even managed most downhills without braking which is something I freak out about usually. I got stuck behind queues of traffic a few times as they waited to overtake slower cyclists but used this to get some fluid in which is something I sometimes forget to do (my time was 40.26 for the 20km/13mile cycle). Finally got back to the park for the run and the course started with a draggy uphill and I developed a nasty stitch. I tried to stretch it out as I was running but it was both painful and annoying! After 3km it finally eased off so I could run a bit more comfortably, picking up the pace on the uneven off road run around the park grounds sneaking under the 22 minute mark (21.53) for the 5km.   


It was great to cross that finish line again – thanks to Tim and my family/friends for the support! Roll on the next one!

Emily Smith

Tim PhillipsTriathlon