Dulwich Paragon Crit, 19 Aug 2021

Thursday was the last round of the Dulwich Paragon Crits at Lee Valley Velopark. I knew this race was going to be tougher than last week’s race as there was a bigger and stronger field.  My aim was to stay in the lead pack for as long as I could and get a good sprint at the end.


The race had a quick start, then things calmed down a little. We were rolling round in a big bunch until the third lap into the race. A rider made an attack and two other riders followed. Everyone in the bunch let them go off the front, thinking that they were going to be ‘hung out to dry’ and this happened for most of the race. The three riders that went off the front had around a 20 second gap, and actually ending up staying away for the rest of the race. There were a few attempts from other riders in the bunch to chase them down but with a big head wind, it was hard to close the gap. At this point everyone knew the race was pretty much over as the three riders in front just got away and we let them go. Everyone was rolling around in a bunch hoping to win the bunch sprint. On the last lap I had a really good position, close to the front and I knew I had a good chance of doing well in this sprint. With 200 metres to go I was at the very front of the bunch. I thought to myself “I have to go hard and make the other riders take the longer way around me”. I rode as hard as I could but everyone started overtaking me as I was getting closer to the finish line. I just wasn’t fast enough to out-sprint everyone but I was also on restricted gears so that suggests why I couldn’t sprint as fast as the other women. 

Overall I was happy with how I rode. The race was quicker than last week and the field was larger and stronger. However, to improve I should have followed the other 3 riders to either get away or bring them back into the bunch. I shouldn’t have gone to the very front of the sprint either as I pretty much gave the other riders a lead out too.

Amy Harvey

Tim PhillipsCrit