National Aquathlon Championships, 19 Sep 2021


This year the National Aquathlon Championships took place on the sea front in Worthing. It was a beautiful, pebbled beach and the sea was calm. As usual, I arrived early to allow plenty of time for registration and a pre-race warm-up. I set up transition, choosing to put my trainers and towel right at the end of the row so I wouldn’t lose my place (which has happened on a few occasions). It felt odd placing such little equipment in transition, but with no bike leg I didn’t need much.

My race was off at 9.02 am, two minutes after the men’s race. It was a rapid beach start and very chaotic in the water with arms and legs everywhere. I didn’t have a great start as I found myself in the middle of the pack after first buoy. However, once the swimmers had settled down, I was managing to pass people and by the turn-point I could see the front pack. On the way back to the beach the current was no longer against us, so it felt very quick. By the time I exited the water I had caught up to the front swimmers and was 4th out the water, although I didn’t realise it at the time. 


I had a speedy transition despite having to take off a wetsuit, whilst others didn’t. I started the run feeling sick as I had pushed quite hard on the swim. However, I pushed on and passed a girl straight away. The run was an out and back course with a loop in the middle, so I was looking out for women running back to work out what position I was. I was getting closer to the turn point and still hadn’t seen anyone, so I though ‘wow, I’m doing better than I thought’. Then, I saw two women ahead. I was gaining on them. Just before the turn point, I passed one. Then just after I passed the other. ‘Wait – Am I leading the National Aquathlon Championships?’ I thought. 

I had to wait until I ran past my parents again for them to confirm it, but it was true. I was leading. My legs felt great, like I was running on clouds. I didn’t have tired legs because there was no bike leg. I continued running in a state of bliss all the way to the finish line!

Fiona German

Tim PhillipsAquathlon