Clarken Coombe Hill Climb, 22 Oct 2022

On 22nd October, I took on my second hill climb of the year- again another Bristol hill climb close to my parent’s house, Clarken Combe. Unfortunately, I had been unwell since my last hill climb up Belmont with a nasty respiratory virus and it was quite touch and go whether I’d make this race. Fortunately, my body felt well enough to return to training the week of the race and I felt able to complete the 1.6mile, 389ft hill climb.

It was another beautiful day for it. A little chill in the air but beautiful sunshine. I went for a little warm up spin before the race- legs felt good, chest still expelling the final remnants of this virus but feeling well enough to race. This event was open road (and on a busy open road that I usually only drive up!) which meant that the roadside spectating was not quite the same. However, I was fortunate to have my boyfriend down to watch and my mum marshalling near the top of the climb.

This was quite a technical climb with an initial steep section, flatter part (that you could get in to the big ring on), long drag and then a flat sprint finish. I was pleased that I recce’d the course a couple of weeks prior to prepare for this but gear shifting was still a challenge on the day. I felt like I paced the climb really well, I didn’t explode and lose my legs or my lungs too early on yet still finished feeling like I couldn’t have given it much more.

I finished the climb in 7mins 24secs- 23secs away from a podium place! I was pleased with my performance and again enjoyed what was only my 3rd hill climb race ever. Hill climbs are very humbling experiences for the competitive duathlete in me. I feel completely out of my comfort zone but love the challenge and experience. Sadly no more climbs on the horizon this year but perhaps I can pick up even more next autumn!

Megan Powell

Tim PhillipsHill climb