45RC TT 10m, 12 Jul 2022

After 11 days taking it easy on the bike due to knee pain I decided to do a 10m TT to see where I was at, with this being one of my favourite TT courses.

I wasn’t sure what to expect going in due to the build up, but felt great once I started, having great power and HR numbers throughout, where I managed 10 peak HR and power performances for this TT. I could see I was going well after the half way point but wasn’t certain I was on for a PB with the uphill section to come, however I crossed the line with a time of 23:33, a PB by 4s, beating the time which I had only set 5weeks prior. With 3 more attempts at this course this season, hopefully I can reduce this time even more.

Maria Gent

Tim PhillipsTT, Timetrial