Felixstowe Sprint Triathlon, 28 Aug 2022

Swim = well prepared for conditions having completed various swims leading up to race day mainly sea swims including a first mile an achievement; and a few good practice swims beforehand and on race day morning definitely felt well prepped and quite relaxed, arrived and registered and racked (competitor next to me had the same bike) noted route into and out of transition and was actually fairly calm walking to swim start helpful wise words from swim coach (Swim Smooth Suffolk) when a marshall queried why I had a tow float – goal for swim was be sensible and enjoy it.

In water start so had approx 10mins to acclimatize before setting off positioned myself near the back so I had lots of space and was quite relaxed despite being in deep water chatting with kayak marshal and fellow swimmers helped. The sea conditions were super!  Lovely whoosh from tide heading towards the pier and with the direction of waves so didn’t feel too choppy. Start claxon went super-fast swimmers sped off… literally! I kept to a nice steady rhythm thinking bubble, bubble, breathe/stretch (great swim mantra – thanks coach) easy bi-lateral breathing and sighting went well also, relaxed focus soon found myself passing fellow swimmers and the occasional contact no drama’s I was quite enjoying the swim making fine progress although nearly last out strolling casually along red carpet to transition wetsuit off and cycle kit on.

Time: 16:56

Cycle = having left shoes pre-clipped onto bike thought would be nice and easy could just slide feet into and fasten Velcro didn’t go to plan learning point. Bike leg started well held decent power/pace then wasp flew into mouth (spat it out again sharpish!) but it inevitably stung me of all the places! Coughed and spluttered stayed upright, few sips of water seemed to do the trick and soon got pace back and a straightforward ride after that slightly bendy technical course but some nice fast straight bits, throat was getting quite sore but able to keep riding. Good planning ahead for the hills/foot down stops fitness improving on the bike – thanks Catenary Coaching! Although early gear change and cadence still work in progress also trying to hold a consistent pace ended up passing a few fellow riders and if it hadn’t been for pesky wasp may have been few seconds quicker.

Time: 39:06

Run = Transition straightforward few queasy steps initially somehow running seemed to aggravate wasp sting but soon settled into a good rhythm/pace although went off a bit too quick! The route was simple, straight along promenade out with a tailwind, after first turn marker into a headwind then a tailwind aiding finish sprint after 2nd turn marker lots of spectators, but marshals did a grand job of keeping route clear.  Aimed to go under 30.00 for the run knew this was more than possible and was running well good form/technique and very glad when saw finish straight! Checked over by medics regards wasp sting who were great and all okay.

Time: 29:32

Many thanks: Catenary Coaching and Swim Smooth Suffolk

Sara Brown

Tim PhillipsTriathlon