British Championships Standard Distance Duathlon, Grafham, 29 Oct 2023

My final multipart race of the year- British Champs! As per usual Megan prep, the build up was less than ideal with the race following a week of night shifts… but with both mum and coach Tim watching- I gave it my all and managed to sneak onto the podium!

The race day started with a large debate surrounding shoe and wheels choices. It was a blustery, dry day but half the run course was cross-country! To go for carbons or trail shoes, disc wheel or no disc wheel! The decision was made to go full send with carbons and disc!

I stood on the start line excited to get going. There were some extremely speedy runners in the race whom I knew would go off fast. My history with standard distance duathlons was very much one of “going off too fast, crash and crawl to the end…”, I wanted this to be the race that I paced more sensibly! So I set off quite conservatively and initially felt good. However, I found the grass sections extremely leg sapping and didn’t quite have my usual spring in my stride.

I got into T1 with a lot of work to do on the bike. I had a good T1 and off I went. Initially on the bike I felt rubbish and just couldn’t get my power up, I was extremely frustrated and almost wanted to call it a day. However I kept going, found my rhythm, started to pick up some speed and really enjoyed the remainder of the bike. I came into T2 motivated to give it my all on the final run.

I had a quick T2 and off I went. Legs felt much better than the first run and I tried my absolute best to chase down those in front of me. I came into the finishing straight thinking I was in 4th (in AG), crossed the line with a smile and the first thing I said to my mum “that was the best second run I have ever had in a standard duathlon!”. Turns out I was actually 3rd in age group- result!!

Not quite the whole race I wanted, but a good performance to end the year, my best paced standard distance duathlon and a British Championships medal!

Megan Powell