Hyrox London, 26 Nov 2023

I started doing S&C after my second pregnancy, looking to get back into fitness and get some core strength. I never thought that 20 months later I was going to compete in a fitness race, let alone enjoy it. When my fitness instructor, and now friend, strongly encouraged me to signed up for HYROX I didn’t know what it was. As you may not know either, HYROX combines both running & functional workout stations, where participants run 1km, followed by a functional workout station, repeated eight times.

I entered the doubles competition where you have to run together but you could split the workouts as you wish. My partner was much stronger than me in most of the workouts but she wasn’t a strong runner. I didn’t really start properly training for it until I finished my triathlon season at the end of September. I knew that I had the endurance so I only needed to practice some of the workouts that I hadn’t done before, like ski erg and sled pull and push. The day of the race I wasn’t nervous, I knew it wasn’t going to be harder than a triathlon so I focused on having fun and chose to embrace the atmosphere.

We did very well, finishing 104 out of 482 in AG and 245 out of 1098 overall. I felt super strong and felt we could have got a better time if my partner hadn’t struggled so much on the runs (the advantages of being used to running on tired legs!). I enjoyed training for something different and we have signed up for another year to give it another go and do better.

Lupe Morera

Tim PhillipsHyrox