Eastern CX Rd 12, 5 Feb 2022
Matt Woodfine
Could I manage another CX race after my 1st one last weekend? I guess so because I was back out the following weekend! It was the last race of the season…so despite still feeling unprepared again I went for it. This time it was much easier, the sun was shining, the course was flatter, minimal mud and there was sand!! Never rode in sand before!
Matt Woodfine
I learned a few things from last week… you push and move quickly to get out of the starting line. This clearly helped, I left behind some of the ladies and overtook some others! The whole course was fun! I was constantly chased by the same person so this really made me push harder than I expected as I did not want to be overtaken! I had my bike back this time so I felt I was flying. The dismounting and jumping back on the bike really slowed me down - I can see how important is to have a good technique if you want to have better results! I certainly know what I will be practicing for the next few months. I cannot wait for the next season - I am sure I will be more prepared so watch out!
Alba Vidal