Aquathlon World Championships, 1 May 2023

Ibiza World Aquathlon Champs 2023. 1k swim 5k run, a race that should suit me well.

After watching the elite men and women do their swim and transitions it was time for me to get my wetsuit on and head to the holding pen on the beach.

We entered the sea for an in water standing start into an anticlockwise lap, almost completely different to the proposed loop we did in the acclimatisation swim the previous day, a running beach start into a clockwise lap. Nevermind, this gave me a good opportunity to have my pre-race wee while we waited for the hooter.

And then we were off. The start of these races is always a bit mad and chaotic, as everyone jostles for space while trying not to lose ground on anyone else.

After passing the first buoy I managed to find myself some space and settle into a decent rhythm. Unfortunately it turned out to be too much space as I had swam way off to the left. Eventually I saw the buoy, redirected and swam hard to catch the group again. I managed to stick with the group until the third and final buoy before heading toward the beach. At this point I was leading out our small group and trying to drop some swimmers. I managed to do this, only by swimming way far off to the left and ending up way off course again! I had been swimming toward the start line, as I couldn't see the black arch on the beach. I redirected again and managed to exit the water with a couple of other athletes. A lot of hard work into swimming what I am sure must have been an extra 100m or so!

Nevermind, move on focus on what happens next. I charged up the beach, pulled my wetsuit to my waist, whipped off my goggles and hats, entered into transition area quickly found my space. Stamping my wetsuit off and putting my shoes on I charged out of transition.

I was on the hunt to make up lost ground, running hard from the off. The run route was a winding single lap with 4 lengths along parallel stretches of road and adjacent promenade, pretty useful to spot targets to chase!

I felt good and like I was running well. I managed to pass 5 athletes in my age group, all looking uncomfortable and slow. With less than 1k to go I could see 3 more up the road. They had a decent gap but I was determined to catch them. I was closing well but not fast enough. I turned the final corner and they still had a few metres on me, I had run out of road! The finish results show 4 in my age group finishing within 10s of each other, me at the back. Next time!

I finished 13th of 31 in my age group, I am happy with the result, despite knowing I could have finished higher had I not swam around the houses!

David Shepherd