Blenheim Palace Triathlon, 3 Jun 2023

Blenheim Palace triathlon - a race I wanted to smash this time, because last time I felt horrendously sick for the run.

Swim - 750m, I knew I could bring some speed, but also wasn't sure how the others might be in my wave, so I started mid-pack. I went out hard-ish but at a pace I knew could sustain. One by one I started overtaking people! The arm ache that I always get when I first start swimming began to die off at about 400m. By this point there weren't too many people around me in the water, so I picked up the pace, I kept on pushing round the buoys onto the final stretch. I overtook someone from the previous wave and continue to push as much as I could - I couldn't see anyone in front of me, I exited the water and (might) have been first out the water in my wave!

Now on to the hardest T1 - up the hill! I tried to manage a steady plod/pace up - I kept going as long as I could, conscious I didn't want anyone to catch me. However, my arms got stuck in my wetsuit, so I had to walk a bit to pull them out - this was probably needed as the hill following a hard swim was killing me slightly! Then I heard the pitter patter of feet behind me and knew I had to carry on - so on I went all the way to my bike!

Bike - the first part (no flying mount) was spent trying to get my HR under control - I know I can't manage too long at too high a HR, so did my best to settle it (it didn't really work the first lap!) But knowing the course from last time I was able to use the descents better and go on my aero bars for a lot of the course. 3 laps went by very fast, but legs felt a little heavy so I didn't quite get the time I was looking for, but still 2 minutes faster than last time. I also managed a gel on the 2nd lap to keep me going for the rest of the course.

On to the run, legs felt HEAVY - now, normally I love a ROTB but the legs weren't really responding. Well they sort of were, but the pace was still slower than I wanted to go - I did manage to make use of the first downhill and then picked off people on the uphill. The hardest part of the two lap course was after the uphill section where you turn left at the palace - the 200m section or so is on a grass camber, so very tough after a little uphill bit! The second lap I used the aid station, chucked water over my head and drank some. This allowed my HR to settle again before carrying on. Now came the end, I got so very confused, there was no finish line arch but just two finish line posts, and then following this arrows round to the right, so I thought the finish was round the corner so was speeding up but not sprint finishing until I heard my mum screaming at me to 'SPRINT' and then someone cross and finish the line - so my sprint finish was maybe only 50m which was a real shame - but again a 2 minute PB.

Overall 2 minutes off each swim, bike and run from 2020 which is mental, but still I have one goal which I fell short of - beating my brother's Blenheim time (I missed out by 2 minutes)! I probably won't be back next year due to other race plans, but I will be back again at some point! I also fancy doing the relay and smashing the swim again!

Lottie Lindsley

Tim PhillipsTriathlon