St Neots Standard Triathlon, 10 Sep 2023

Does the disruption caused by moving flat count as tapering? This summer has been pretty stressful with a new job, new city & new flat all in one go, so I impulsively entered St Neots Standard Triathlon not knowing what to expect.

I managed to pick a spot on the start line that avoided the worst of the weeds - though I'm grateful the race photos don't show quite how bad it was! I swam hard to close some gaps off the start line then found some feet to follow.

Despite a last-minute change to T1 (hello socks...) I got on my bike without face-planting the tarmac. On a mostly flat course it's important to stay as aerodynamic as possible so I decided to only sit up to have a drink when going slowly. I finished my bottle within the hour.

I gleefully ignored the niggle I'd had in my hip and my sensible plan to pull out on the run and convinced myself I'd put in so much effort already I may as well finish. The sun was hot and I couldn't decide if I felt sloshy or thirsty or just quite simply tired. Three water stations later and I was still having serious words with myself about not stopping. 

The finish line came not a moment too soon and after being drenched by a little kid with a super soaker I felt a bit better. Seeing Tim on the course and racing together with Ceri & Emily made it feel like a real team day out. Well done! The outcome was second place in age group (5th overall), one qualification for next year's age group world champs, plus sunburn. On balance it was worth it!!

Lizzie Fox