Catenary Training Camp, 10-13 May 2023

What a weekend that was, mate! Having just arrived in Oxford from Australia at the end of January, the Catenary training camp was my first real taste of the UK—and what a taste it was, in the Peak District of all places! The adventure began with me, a brave Aussie, tackling the notorious English roundabouts in a rental car. I must say, they’re a different beast altogether, but driving on the left did feel a bit like home.

After navigating through traffic jams and near misses in merging lanes, five hours later I was exchanging greetings with the lovely members of the Catenary team over dinner in a charming Bakewell pub (having arrived too late to do the trail run!). That’s where I was introduced to the vital cultural knowledge of Bakewell puddings versus tarts, an essential British distinction I hadn’t anticipated needing! I was definitely in a food coma by the end of dinner, but Megan reassured me that all these calories would go into fuel for the 85km ride on Saturday. That was when I confidently predicted to Tim that I would smash him on all the climbs the next day.

Back at our lodgings, Megan and I bunked together, ending up chatting until 1:30 AM—a true girls’ sleepover. Saturday morning came too soon, thanks to the British sun peeking in at 6 AM. We were all on our bikes by 10 AM, braving the ‘fresh’ 20°C weather (I packed in my arm warmers and gilet, much to the amusement of my new British mates). Despite it being only my second outdoor ride in the UK, the kilometers flew by amidst stunning vistas of rolling green fields bathed in warm, gentle, sunshine—a welcome change from the Aussie sun’s harsh embrace.

The lunch and ice cream stops were godsends, rejuvenating my spirits for the final stretch, which truly tested my endurance. The evening was capped off with delicious pizza and another round of late-night chats with Megan, and I slept like a log.

Sunday morning saw us at the Bakewell pool, where I aired my slight frustration at the scarcity of outdoor 50m pools in England, but the swim in the 20m indoor pool did wonders for loosening up post-ride stiffness. The trail run that followed introduced me to the delightful and squidgy Soreen malt loaf—how have I lived without this?! Yet, not all discoveries were pleasant; the encounter with Flumps at dinnertime with Sarah confirmed my fear—they’re a marshmallow mishap best left to the Brits.

We wrapped up with a lighter 35km ride on Monday, perfect for the body. The drive back to Oxford was less harrowing, though the roundabouts still had me in a spin.

All in all, this Catenary training camp weekend was a standout chapter in my life. I’ve found my tribe here, far from home. I like to think I have also been a positive influence, encouraging the Brits to hug more often! A huge thanks to everyone for embracing this outspoken, potty-mouthed Aussie. Tim, mate, you've set the bar high for the next camp. Can’t wait for more!

 Pascale “Sheila Doolittle” Wehr