St Neots Standard Aquabike Qualifier, 5 May 2024

My first race of the season and it's a World Standard Aquabike Qualifier! 

Due to weather and Jesus Green Lido being shut for the whole of April I had not done any outdoor swims before the race. I was worried about the water temperature, as being over 60 I feel the cold. I knew I just needed to survive it and do my best on the bike. At least on race morning the sun was shining and it wasn't cold. 

The aquabike was the first race of the day. The women set off 10 mins after the men. When I got in the water I thought I was going to die it felt so cold. I was struggling with the cold setting off but by the turn around 750 metres up the river I wasn't feeling too bad. Then the fun begins - due to all the rain the current was so strong it was like swimming in an endless pool. Halfway back I started getting cold in my body rather than just my hands and feet. I really thought I wouldn't get back to the ladders. I tried to work a bit harder and hung in there mentally and finally made the ladders. I found it hard to get out as I was so cold.

Oh the irony - I have just spent months learning to jog again for transitions after my joint replacements stopped me running. Being cold my brain was slow and I forgot I was supposed to jog not walk till somebody ran past me. Transition went ok if not speedy, hands too cold to get my socks on so shoved my feet in my shoes feeling pleased I chose the triathlon single strap ones.

Finally out on the bike, still cold and fuzzy-headed so it took me a while to get my rhythm but I could see plenty of people to chase and I slowly picked them off. I had set a goal of 32kph for the bike leg, but was a bit behind this as it took a bit long to get going. By the end of the first lap I was at 30.8kph. Second lap was a bit lonely with no-one to chase but I got the speed up a bit. Made it to the last section which is fast, pace now up to 31.2kph but feeling totally knackered. I caught up with 3 slower cyclists with 3 cars unable to get past them. Eventually I managed to overtake all the cars and the three cyclists and got through the town and finally back into transition.

Bike time 1.29 for 46k - my best on this course. Swim was so slow 40 mins, 10 mins slower than my goal!

Looks like I was 2nd in my age group and assuming my maths is correct within 15% of the winner so hopefully I qualified. I’m disappointed with my swim, even though everybody's was slow. I was 10 mins slower swimming than the winner and a minute slower on the bike.

It was a good start to the season I think.

Julia Dolman