Grafman Middle Distance Triathlon, 2 Jun 2024

My first race of the season, and back to Grafham Water where I had done my last race of last season. An early morning for a 7am start! I have avoided any open water swimming opportunities so far this year, blaming the weather. So when setting up transition ATW announced the water was 14 degrees and there was an option to do only one lap I was very, very tempted…

Wetsuit on, it wasn’t so bad after all, and I managed both laps. I knew my swim would be slow, and I came out 13th female, 5 minutes behind the leader. An incentive to do some overtaking on the bike!

This was just my 3rd time outdoors on my TT bike this year. I started off well, though the roads were busy with lots of overtaking and dropping back. I didn’t maintain my average speed target, but used my new power pedals to help manage my effort. I finished 2nd female, still 5 mins behind the leader.

Out onto the run, and the first time I’d worn carbon shoes for 7 months after a calf/shin injury. My legs didn’t feel too bad, and I managed to run a consistent pace which I was aiming for and finished 2nd lady overall, still 5 minutes behind the female leader.

Becky Wright