Abingdon Crit Series, 24 Oct 2020

It was the penultimate race in the Richard Kell crit season at Abingdon Airfield. We had 5 team mates racing this week, and two of them were in the overall top 10 leaderboard, so we based our tactics on getting them as high up as possible. My results have been inconsistent over the weeks so I'm just outside the top 10. I really wanted to get some points today to edge my way in.

The wind was very strong today! Our coach on the side had explained where the headwind was and where to shelter behind other riders, but this took me some time to figure out! With everyone moving and cornering it wasn't always easy to be on the best side all the time. Lots learning for me.

The first race was the fastest. Within a few laps an attack was made and I managed to jump on as I was positioned well to escape. Myself and two other riders made a break with her, so as a group of four we pushed on. In these races a break very rarely sticks and is often caught up within a lap, but I checked behind me and we had a gap forming! I shouted at the girls with me to work together and take short turns on the front. We began to paceline it but we weren't best positioned in the wind all the time, and I could feel I was tiring myself out. I tried to dig deep as I knew if we kept it up I would be top 5, but I couldn't hang on and was caught with about a lap to go. Unfortunately I'd tired myself out so much that lots of people overtook me at the finish and I rolled in at 12th. I was gutted.

The second and third race were a little slower which I was gratefull for! I tried to tuck in as much as possible and shelter from the wind. I didn't play my cards quite right in either of these, with finishing positions 13th and 14th. I was quite disappointed with my performance, but sometimes races don't go to plan. I learned lots about racing in the wind though, and I think given the same breakaway situation I could conserve energy more.

One of the things I have noticed is I'm far more comfortable with cornering. Going round those corners in a bunch is quite scary at first, but having done them so much lately I'm really getting good at them! I think it's improved my confidence out on the roads too. 

Looking forward to next week's race to see if I can get in the top 10.

Frances Lammyman
