Olympic Park 10k, 1 Nov 2020

On Sunday I did my first running race since I was 15! This as something I had been building up to since starting running again last year, and the intention had been to do this event as a Half Marathon, and also to run with teammate Eleanor. A couple of weeks ago the event got shortened due to Covid, and changed to a 10k on a 4 lap course around the Olympic Park, rather than going out onto the roads which the Half Marathon would have. I was disappointed about this as it downgraded the challenge, but I’m glad now I went ahead rather than postponing to December which was the other option.

It seemed really strange to leave the house early in the morning with kit, drinks etc but no bike! Especially heading to the velodrome where I’ve ridden many times, indoors and out. I also wasn’t feeling too good as birthday curry and beer the night before wasn’t the ideal preparation. I felt hot and bothered heading over from the carpark to the start area. Luckily Megan was already at the start and let us know that there was a bag drop (even though the race instructions had said there wouldn’t be). After dumping my stuff and doing a proper warm-up I felt much better, in fact doing my final little sprints I felt like I was flying!

We lined up for the start, with the plan being to run with Eleanor and aim for 45mins, which would have been a big PB for her on her first ever 10k. After we started we ran the first lap together, after which Eleanor slowed a little and I decided to push on for the sub 45mins. The course was nice and really well marshalled etc, and even had some self service drinks stations. The last part of each lap was the toughest, with a little uphill twisty section followed by a big headwind section back towards the start/finish.

I managed to put in a few faster kms to catch back up to my goal time, and in the last few km just tried to push as hard as I could, leaving a little bit psychologically for the last uphill and the headwind to the finish. I crossed the line (and ran on across the field until my watch reached 10k!) and then spent some time catching up with Megan (who finished quite some time before me) and Eleanor who did a great PB in her first ever running race.

I got a PB with 44:30 (official time), a bit faster than my one and only 10k TT that I did during lockdown, and when I got home I found that I had actually come 3rd in my age group, which was rather unexpected and very pleasing!

Tim Phillips

Tim PhillipsRunning, 10k