RLSCC/Rugby Velo Club TT, 4 Aug 2020
Tuesday night was pretty windy to say the least and the course was the quick one that's net downhill, starting at the top of a hill which you never go back up! I set off with the aim of trying to beat my average power from last time on this course, and it all started well until I got speed up on the descent and then cross winds started to come in, shooting my bike sideways. Since my accident my confidence isn't brilliant yet, so this did scare me a bit and so I stopped pedalling and went up onto the base bars for more stability - not where you want to be when you're trying to be fast!
Once I was back on the flat and I had calmed down a bit I knew I had some serious time to make up so pushed on fairly hard.
I got back and I was slightly disappointed as I finished 2s slower than last time and my average power was also lower... However, what I didn't realise until I got home was that I had actually managed to get myself a new 20min power PB (from the section of the course after the downhill)! So ignoring the downhill disaster, it actually turned out to be pretty good! I just hope it isn't windy next time!
Helene Wright