BUCS Duathlon, 14 Nov 2021

I started out the day quite nervous as I’d never done a BUCS event before and didn’t know how elite the competition would be. 

I started the first 5km feeling good, not realising how quickly I was actually going! This then hit me by the third lap and my body felt awful - but I still got round the first run in a decent time. 

Next onto the bike - this was the saviour for me. It was a technical course, which included two dead turns, and I’d never done any cycling like that before but really enjoyed it! It was so much fun zooming down the hill trying to chase people.

Then onto the final run - oh how I forgot how awful jelly legs feel!! I just thought to myself ‘two more laps and it’s over’, so steadily made my way around the course taking in the atmosphere which was great with so many spectators. I then spent the rest of the day watching all the other races which was amazing to see how fast they did the bike course with all the twists and turns.

I’ll definitely be doing more events like this!

Jess Barrett-Drylie

Tim PhillipsDuathlon