Kings Lynn CC TT B10/37R/NCTC Ashley B TT, 21/24 Apr 2021

NCTC Ashley B TT

It's my 3rd TT of the season, I'm not feeling so nervous, just determined to get up the hills. I'm still not putting my all in yet - still worrying about not getting to the finish line. I need to feel confidence in my training and get on with it. I finished 2nd out of the ladies just one second from 1st place.


Kings Lynn TT

I turned up with plenty of time to drive the course and warm up. The wind was picking up as I went down to the start. My one mission was to get my HR up and keep it there, so that I knew I had given it everything. The course had some long inclines with a few into a head wind. I kept an eye on my HR and pushed every time it dropped. I knew I had definitely gone hard, my coughing started immediately at the finish and I took a long time to recover. I was pleased with how I raced, the result was 8th out of 14 ladies and 3rd in my age category.

Sophie Lee

Tim Phillips