Ely Sprint Duathlon, 9 May 2021

I’ve done a duathlon before, and a few triathlons (including an Ironman), but I’ve only ever entered for fun/completion, as I’ve always absolutely hated pushing myself hard for speed. So a sprint duathlon is new territory for me!

It’s a very local event to me, so I knew the routes well – for the runs this seemed good news as I knew it is very flat! But for the bike I knew it’s hillier and the road surfaces are extremely Fen (for those that don’t know, Fen = shocking and windy).

I arrived on the day to find a lovely friendly and well organised event in a great location, loads of parking and a coffee shop which I clocked for afterwards! I did see some competitors caffeine loading but thought I wouldn’t risk it!

I didn’t really have a plan other than go as fast as I can for as long as I can – not sure that’s the right strategy but it’s all I had! I set off on the first run leg and managed to hold a good pace over a route that was actually harder than expected because it was muddy and rough underfoot for a large part of the route due to recent heavy rain. Cue mud splattered legs galore! But I managed to hold my pace well and was very happy with my time.

The less said about my first transition the better – I have no idea how I managed to spend 2.30 in there – we live and learn!

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Out onto the bike – it was very windy! I pushed myself hard – wind is something I really struggle with mentally on the bike so I did find it tough. However, everyone else I either passed or who passed me seemed to be feeling the same, so I took solace from that!

The last run was like running through treacle – my mind kept telling me to walk so I had to give myself a very stern talking to several times! Kept running and was keeping a fair pace (although I knew I was slower than the first run and just couldn’t seem to do anything about it) but then annoyingly I turned my ankle over badly and fell flat on my face about half a mile from home, what an idiot! Hobbled for a bit and then managed to pick up and finish confidently – and well under my target time too, so was overall really pleased with my efforts.

Lots learned to take forward to the next one – back to training for now to keep improving my power and stamina – bring it on, Tim!

Ros Blackmore