Stafford RC K48/10 TT, 22 May 2021


Thankfully Saturday brought dry weather after the high winds and driving rain of the preceding two days. I had a mid afternoon start and there were some hints of blue in the sky and an occasional glint of sunshine. Poor forward planning on my part meant that I was without my TT bike so had to see what I could muster on my road bike. The course was lumpier than I was expecting and I found myself having to grind my way up a few long drags with a fairly stiff headwind on the way out. I was pretty happy to reach the turnaround and the return part of the race certainly felt more comfortable with the wind behind me. I was quite pleased with the race overall, particularly my power distribution held fairly well. As can be seen by the accompanying picture, I really do need to work on getting into a more aero position if I am to start knocking chunks off my times. Overall a really enjoyable afternoon, I would certainly do this one again.

Edward Bolland