Newmarket CTC TTs, 19 & 26 May 2021

19.05.21 Ashley B 8.1 Hilly TT

I arrived at Ashley for the 2nd consecutive week feeling the pressure of last week’s PB. I warmed up nicely as we watched the black clouds gathering in. My number was called and I set off with a bad start from not getting clipped in. I rode well although I hit the wrong into the bend in too high a gear. I just wasn't feeling as strong this evening. I think it was a combination of the wind direction, not eating correctly, doing a work out that caused muscle fatigue and mindset. I did learn a lot though from this race because of the contributing factors of what to change next time. I finished 2nd place out of the ladies.

26.05.21 Bottisham CCC 10mile TT competition NCTC v CCC

I was feeling focused this race. I drank plenty of fluids and ate correctly throughout the day. My mind was positive and I felt relaxed. My warm up went smoothly and I practised clipping in a lot. The count down began and I was off with another failed attempt at clipping in! It’s coming a habit I just can't kick. I set off feeling strong and just tried to keep relaxed and find a rhythm. I hit the horrible lumpy bits in the course but gave it everything. The wind had turned on the way home and made me work harder to keep up with the pace. I finished with a PB and came 4th out 11 ladies.

Sophie Lee
