CAMS-Basso Women's 3/4 Road Race, 30 May 2021

I was really looking forward to the Cams-Basso women’s event because not only was it an hour of racing at my favourite circuit, Hoghill, but it was organised by a UCI team giving girls/women a chance to show off what they’re capable of!


My Cat 3 race was combined with the Cat 4s due to low entries but it was a strong field that was more experienced than me. After being set off 20 seconds behind the Cat 4s, my group managed to catch them up within the first 2 laps but we kept pushing forward. I felt that the pace was a little slower than I hoped so I tried to push the pace up a little on the climb. This resulted in dropping most of the riders and only two were on my wheel. We worked together for the rest of the race and ended up lapping the field! When we were approaching the final climb the others didn’t want to start the sprint first. This was a massive advantage for me as I prefer to sprint early which I feel gives me a better chance of winning. That was what I did and I ended up winning the sprint up the final climb with a decent gap ahead of 2nd and 3rd place.

Amy Harvey

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