Oxfordshire Triathlon, 6 Jun 2021

I was very excited before the race started and couldn’t wait to be back racing.


The race started with a staggered swim due to covid and I was one of the last to be set off so found it difficult to get into a good pace due to having to swim over lots of slower swimmers. Overall my swim was okay considering my lack of swimming over the past 12 months.

I had a good transition and got on my bike and quickly settled into a nice pace. The bike was 35km but went by very quickly and I really enjoyed it. I was really pleased with my bike split and have Tim to thank for pushing me in some tough sessions recently.

The run leg was a 7.5km cross country run and involved some uneven muddy sections which were hard to run fast over. I felt very conformable running off the bike and could push on at the end. I also had lots of family out cheering me which motivated me to push on toward the end of the run.

Overall I finished 1st female and 6th out the male field too so happy with the result. I am excited for the rest of the season and to challenge myself in some more competitive fields.

Mia Hawkins

Tim PhillipsTriathlon