National Circuit Championships, 6 Jun 2021

Prior to the event was not looking forward to it as I knew it was going to be a hard race, having recced the course the week before. Three laps of a lumpy and very rough course with many pot holes. I was mainly looking at this as a great experience against many of the best female time trialists in the UK. I had a good warm up and the weather was looking good with a slight chance of rain. I felt great during the event, one of the most comfortable I’ve felt this year, managing to get equal power and times for each lap. I felt after the event that I maybe could have done slightly better, but was cautious and conservative at times due to the challenging course. I actually enjoyed this TT, the complete opposite to how I started the day dreading it! I managed to achieve my best ever 90min power and a time of 1:35:57, a lot faster than I’d predicted I’d go.

Maria Gent

Tim PhillipsTimetrial, TT