Eton Dorney Sprint ITU Qualifier, 16 May 2021

This race was a few firsts for me; the first race I went to alone (so I had to be super organised to drive there and make sure I had everything etc), my first age group race since my surgery, and my first race on my warranty replacement bike (I still miss baby amira).


Surprisingly it was warmer than expected and actually didn’t rain! My swim was a little slower than I wanted but okay considering the few hours I have had in the water this year. I somehow remembered how to do a transition and then it was 20km on the bike. The last time I raced at Eton (more than 3 years ago) it was draft legal and I certainly miss clinging onto someone’s wheel. A load of TT bikes passed me but overall I was pleased with my speed. The run was good, apart from stopping twice for a stitch. The other women on the course encouraged me to continue running and I managed to cross the line in 17th place.

My time was a lot slower than my last time at Eton but for my first race back I was happy and excited to race again. I managed to catch up with a couple of friends and also met loads of girls who have joined the sport in the time I have been on the sidelines. My new age group (25-30yrs 😱) is super competitive and with my fitness being so low compared to previously it’s going to be a nice challenge to rise through the ranks again.

Frankie Durbin
