255 Triathlon, 8 Aug 2021

On Sunday 8th August at 6am, my mum and I started the “world’s longest single-day triathlon”. Between us we had 5km of swimming, 200km of cycling and 50km of running to get through, all based at Goodwood Motor Circuit near Chichester.

The swim consisted of 4 x 1.25km laps. Having recently had a shoulder impingement flare, my swimming prep was very limited and I was just to do one lap. Mum started our race and battled her way through the mass start to crack out 3 very speedy laps! Taking over the timing chip, running and doing a little dive into the lake was seriously fun. I then had one of my best ever triathlon swims! I had a good rhythm, sighting was pretty good (for me) and I enjoyed the quick exit from the water and jog to swap over timing chip again to my mum who was then to go off on the bike.


The bike consisted of 52 laps total around the race track; Mum was to do 31 of them (approx. 118km) and me 21 laps- 82km. Unfortunately the heavens opened multiple times whilst mum was on the bike but she still managed to smash out a fantastic bike split. After 3 hours of hiding away from the rain and occasionally running out to try give updates on how many laps to go, it was my turn! The weather remained dry for the whole of my bike leg and the rest of the race (very lucky) I just had one very windy corner to contend with. I felt amazing on the bike and found myself in the “overtaking” lane for the majority of the race. However, I got a little bit excited and did neglect taking on as much water and nutrition as I should have. I started to tire a little as I came towards the finals few laps but I’m generally really happy with how it went! Final bike split- 52 miles, 2hrs 22mins


I had a couple of hours whilst mum was running to try and take on some simple nutrition and fluids before my turn. This is where I really regretted not having as much on the bike as I should have! I cheered mum around a very good run split and then it was my turn. 5 laps, 15.5miles between me and finishing! I initially set off feeling good, however on my second lap my legs really started to hurt! I was pretty knackered. Regular gels and water and some great cheering by mum and the spectators kept me going! The time passed surprisingly quickly and soon I was at the finishing straight with mum waiting for a final run to the line together!  Run time-  2hrs 6mins, 15.7miles.

We were shocked to find that we were first ladies team (of any size) and were 1st team of 2 people overall! It was a really fun but challenging day out! Total race time- 11hrs 35!

This race was pretty special for me. I first entered the world of triathlon by doing relays with my mum. Team BananaPowell’s first outing was at the BananaMan triathlon at Eton Dorney 5 years ago! Since then we have won several medals both as a team and as individuals across domestic and international racing. It’s been one incredible journey and I wouldn’t have been able to do it without the support of my awesome mum. 

Two weeks ago I started my first job as a qualified doctor and I will have to take a little step back from racing in order to maintain a good life/work balance and not work myself to the ground. This race was a finale for us both to celebrate 5 awesome years of racing with each other!

As always, thank you so much to Tim for getting me race ready. This year of longer distance racing has been awesome- a new challenge but one I have really enjoyed! Next official race in the diary is the London Marathon (virtual edition)!

Megan Powell