Training and racing report, 8-15 Aug 2021

What a week I've had.. So many ups and a down that really did take me by surprise!


On my down I had a training session after a tough week and a PB on the club TT.I got on the bike as normal and I went to hit the power but my legs just refused to work. In all of my training sets and riding this was the first time it had happened. It scared me not being in control, I thought I had lost it... After beating myself up over It I had some positive words from coach Tim and fellow cyclists.. They were right it's a blip day that you should forget quickly. Rest!

ECCA E2/10 Entered the TT which was down the A11.. I forgot how mad that TT is, especially when it was a very brutal head/cross wind. Got there in plenty of time, chilled and did a lovely warm up. Set off down the A11 and I got scared with the wind forcing me into the line of traffic so I backed off. On the turn back we flew and it was an amazing ride home. I came 7th out 11 V/Women who were all very strong riders. I also got a really good PB.

On Sunday I went to the hills of Derbyshire.. Even though my thighs are still tender it's what I needed - to find my love in cycling and bring back those weeeeeee moments back! I need to keep focus on all that I have achieved. Looking forward to my week off!

Sophie Lee

Tim Phillips