Great North Run, 8 Sep 2024

The Great North Run was a big race for me. I’ve had a year of constantly fighting colds, chest infections and covid, which made me take a step back from training for around 6 months! My fitness has fluctuated quite a lot this year and so going into the GNR my only goal was to finish. The start of the day was hectic with thousands of people queueing up for the loo, meaning I was late to my start wave, but I was taking the day in my stride rather than stressing over things and so I just joined the wave behind me on the start line.

Once I started I was buzzing with excitement. I was also incredibly soggy as the heavens opened 10 mins before I started. I had done the GNR last year and knew the crowds would be what gets me through as there’s no point on the course where people aren’t cheering you on - it’s a great atmosphere. My plan was to just go off feel the whole way and so the whole run felt great. I even enjoyed the hills! I took water at every chance I could, even though the rain must have been keeping me hydrated. I took the whole experience in shouting in the tunnels, watching people run in the most insane fancy dress and taking sweets from anyone who would give me them.

The last 5k was pretty tough as I haven’t run 21km since the last GNR but the crowds kept me going and it was just one final push towards the finish line. Miraculously I finished faster than last year with my second fastest half marathon ever! So I was incredibly happy after a very tough year of trying to motivate myself to exercise even when my body didn’t want to! I’ll be back next year :)

Jess Barratt-Drylie

Tim Phillips