Martin Hally Memorial 5km, 13 Sep 2024

The 5km event happened on a pretty nice day, with a strong breeze that made the run more challenging but on the positive, helped keep me cool as I raced.

The course had its ups and downs, featuring a bunch of small hills that really tested my stamina and strength. The changing elevations made things interesting, and I had to pace myself wisely, especially when going uphill. On the downhill parts, I managed to pick up some speed and get a bit of a breather.

I felt pretty strong the whole time and kept a steady pace, really focusing on those inclines. My mental focus combined with my physical endurance helped me tackle the tougher parts of the course.

Even though the wind and the hilly terrain made things a bit tricky, I had a blast during the event.

In the end, the race was both tough and fulfilling, and coming in as the top female was a personal win for me. I wasn’t that happy with my finishing time, but I’m optimistic that with Tim’s guidance I can improve it very soon.

Chloe Bennett

Tim PhillipsRunning, Road running