ECCA TT E2/10, 19 May 2018
My first 10 of the year on a 'fast' dual carriageway course and great conditions (warm with light wind) meant a PB was on offer, but after a poor performance on the St Neots club TT on Thursday night it seemed like my legs felt otherwise. After the first 5 miles I had already fallen below my target power, but averaging 2 mins per mile meant a fast time was on offer as long as the run back wasn't too much slower. As the miles ticked by it was clear that, not only was I on target for a PB, but a sub-20 time was a possibility. I have everything I could for the last few miles and stopped the clock just under 20 minutes (19.58 official time). Very mixed feelings after a mediocre performance giving a time I could only dream of (my season target was to get below 21 minutes).
Tim Phillips
Picture by Davey Jones
Picture by Katie Chandler