BUCS Duathlon, 24 Nov 2019

BUCS Duathlon is one of my favourite races of the year - a 2 mile run, 10 mile bike, 2 mile run on a well-designed traffic free course at Castle Combe racetrack. It is always one of the most competitive fields I race in, with a start list packed with GB elite tri and duathletes.

I was feeling fit in the build up. I have generated some good watts on the bike and speed on the track, however my body did not want to co-operate on the day! The race was delayed by an hour and the bike shortened to 6 miles due to a serious crash in the previous race. This threw my race prep a little as we waited in uncertainty of the race timing.

When the start time came, I felt strong and lined up near the front amongst my fellow GB athletes. I started strongly and held on to the front pack for the first mile, then I started to feel nauseous, hot and my pace dropped off. I arrived at my bike in a daze and had a slow T1 trying to co-ordinate myself. I spent the first lap trying to regain control and spin some of the lactate out. However that only left 2 short laps to build up speed and power before the bike was over - far too short! I had a great T2 and set off on the final run on a mission to catch as many athletes as I could. I overtook 8 girls over the final 2 miles and felt the best I had all race - shame it came a little late!

I finished 35th/226 in what was the strongest field yet at BUCS duathlon. Not to be sniffed at but not what I was aiming for. Good thing I have one more year of BUCS left! It’s now time to reset and get a good block of winter training under my belt with Catenary Coaching ahead of Europeans in March!

Megan Powell

Tim PhillipsDuathlon