BUCS Duathlon, 24 Nov 2019

Being in my 5th and final year at university I decided it was time to compete in my first BUCS (well any!) duathlon. Coming from a swimming background I am always reluctant to drop this discipline in multisport racing!

Due to an accident in the public race prior to the BUCS waves the start was delayed, while waiting to hear information from the race director. The captains were called into a room and the decision was made to drop the bike from 15km, 5 laps to 9km, 3 laps due to the shortage of daylight hours. I want to thank the organisers for a very well run event and overcoming unforeseen and difficult circumstances and still putting on a great race.

I started the race a couple of rows back, behind the elite triathletes. The start was quick with everyone trying to get into a good position on a narrow track. I looked around me and saw a few of the top athletes during the first run, and soon realised I was pretty high up the field.

The bike leg flat and fast, and I stayed on the aerobars pretty much the whole time (apart from having a sip of water). Having never done a duathlon, the transition from run onto the bike made for very heavy legs!

Onto the final run I was still holding a good pace, by this point the field was pretty spread out and I was running with just one or two people. I crossed the line in 25th out of a field of 226 girls. After the race I looked at my run and bike data and I was very happy with the pace I held.

Now time for a solid winter of training before the Tri season!

Amie Buttle

Tim PhillipsDuathlon