Bovingdon Bomber Crit, 12 May 2021

Wednesday evening was another senior race for me but at the Bovingdon Bomber circuit in Hemel Hempstead. I’ve never raced here before so I went into the race with the mentality to see what the circuit was like before next week’s event with a stronger field and with more of my teammates! The circuit was flat with a tight corner that has some potholes in the middle. I immediately thought that I was going to get blown out the back door very early in the race because fast, flat and technical circuits do not suit me!

Once the race started I managed to prove myself wrong as the first 10 minutes was flat out with some attacks but the pace eased a little (still going at a fairly fast pace), and I was still there! Suddenly there was a 4 laps to go lap board (time went really quick) and I was positioned at the front of the pack and I knew I needed to save a little energy but also keep near to front for the last 4 laps! On the last lap I was positioned in the middle of the pack, on the inside line (the fastest line). I did my best in the sprint and crossed the line in 9th /29 riders in a very close bunch sprint! I was pretty shocked with my performance as the circuit did not suit me and it was my first time there so I wasn’t familiar with the racing there. The legs felt very strong too!

Amy Harvey

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