VC Norwich B10/43 10 mile TT, 16 May 2021

I got to HQ in good time and drove the course even though I had ridden it before as I wanted to make a note of key points to break it into sections.

I warmed up nicely and the sun was shining! I set off with a good start - foot straight into the pedal. Kept checking my HR and just kept pushing. I got to the turn at the roundabout which I ride too wide for my liking having hit it too fast.


There was a strong head wind on the return leg but I got small and just kept plugging away.. I pushed a bit more to get that HR up and to stay up and to get home as quickly as possible. It felt like a good race but I don't like to look until I'm home. The results were pretty quick to come through, and there were some really strong riders in the competition, so I was lower down the rankings that I would have liked and felt a little defeated, but I am super competitive. I managed to pull off a really good PB time of 24.57 shaving 1min and 3sec off my previous time. So I'm over the moon with that! Thanks Tim for your continuous support.

Sophie Lee