Loughborough Cycling Festival/National Road Series, 31 May 2021

I'd been invited to join the Cowley Condors Team for the Loughborough Women's Team Cup crit as they were looking to fill some places. I was really anxious about letting the team down as I felt this race would be a little out of my league, in terms of the technicality of the course, the level of other riders and the length of the race. I spoke to Tim about my nerves and he reminded me that whatever happens I can take something from the experience, and be proud I gave it a go.

The circuit was described as technical, with lots of corners and a hill in the middle. I'd decided to arrive at the circuit first thing in the morning whilst they were allowing sighting laps which thankfully calmed my nerves a little.

Before our race started we were due to have a 10 minute neutral period to go around the circuit and warm up, however due to things running behind this was cut down to just one sighting lap. Within this time we had all cooled down as we were waiting for further instructions. There were around 50 of us on the start line and everyone seemed to use the sighting lap as a chance to position themselves well in the bunch. Myself and my fellow team mate were at the back as we didn't expect them all to zoom off before the race had even started!

The race got underway and as soon as we got to the hill I could feel my legs screaming at me. I was out of the saddle, pretty much sprinting, just trying to keep up with the bunch. The hill caused the big group to split into a few smaller groups. I was at the back with a small group and struggling to hold on. Those around me were just as cautious with the corners thankfully.

A few laps in and I found myself doing a 2-up for a while with someone of a similar speed. I knew we had to work together if we wanted to get through the whole thing. About half an hour in and our teamwork was faltering. I was slightly stronger and used a gap as motivation to sprint onto a person up in front of me, however I struggled to hold onto her wheel for more than a few laps. The hill in the middle really sapped my energy!

Soon I was on my own. I had been lapped by some of the smaller groups and was counting on the race marshals to pull me out so I didn't have to keep going! I said to myself I'll keep going until they tell me to stop, that way I'll know I couldn't have given anymore. Except they didn't pull me out of the race, somehow..

So I told myself that I'd drop out myself after 45 minutes and in the meantime get some cornering practice in, which I actually started to enjoy! My personal target soon became 50 minutes, then 55, then an hour.. And by then they held up the 5 laps to go sign, so I figured I might as well finish. I rolled over the line, amazed at myself for actually completing my longest ever cycling race!

Overall I wasn't impressed with my position in the group, but I know I couldn't have done any better. I pushed myself to stay in the race, even on my own, because I knew it would be great training. I felt pretty confident going round those corners by the end which is something I never thought I'd feel. And now I can proudly say I've raced with some very speedy and talented women!

Frances Lammyman
