Cambridge CC TT, 9 Aug 2023

Having changed the setup on the TT bike with Tim just the other day, I was slightly unsure how it was going to feel. I don't think I have really done a proper warmup for a TT before either!

I did the warmup although I think I could have done it a few mins later than I did. When I started the warmup my knee was stiff, I was wondering about the decision to do an 8km walk at lunch time at this point. Warm up went ok and felt ok with bars after a few minutes. The knee had eased off by the time I finished the warmup.

I was off at number 5 - I knew I was faster than the guy at 4 so something to aim at. I also suspected that number 6 would catch me as we were 2 seconds different over the 5 mile flat tt but the 10 mile has a bit of hill on it. Frankly he is more whippet-like than me.

I set off like a mad thing - I can't seem to not do that, its like a switch in my head when they say go! First section went well and I duly found it hard on the hilly bit, but just tried to keep the power output on a sensible number. After the hill I had a really good ride to the roundabout, didn’t get stopped by any cars and rode a much better line round the roundbout. I didnt see number 6 so I guessed he had closed on me and wasn't far behind - I had number 4 in my sights. Average speed was good to the roundabout so knew I just needed to keep up a good effort on the way back.

Number 6 caught me going up the hill over the A14 - I duly zoomed past him and number 4 down the hill and kept ahead till the finish. I had read the Catenary race guide and tried to tell myself to save some power for the hill but not sure I did - it’s definitely my weak point. I’m very chuffed with the time as I really didn't expect to get under 28 minutes - and that’s a minute better than my previous PB! Looks like the position worked - more speed and power to come I hope.

Julia Dolman

Tim PhillipsTT, Timetrial